Friday, June 29, 2012

Getting the sillies out

It's hotter than hell here, literally.  We spend a lot of time indoors and as you can imagine the kids start to get crazy towards the end of the day.  I know we've officially become "texans" because we don't come out to play until after 7pm when it is finally somewhat bearable outside, makes for a later bedtime.  Here is them getting some of their energy out the other night.

Notice everyone else has little to no clothes on and Keira has about 7 layers including her dress.

Norah getting in on the muscle action

Let me in it's too hot out here

Friday, June 22, 2012

We Love you Daddy

I had high hopes for our Father's Day present this year, but lets be realistic here.  Kev was in Vegas for his birthday so we had to celebrate both things on the same day, bummer.  Anyway I tried my best to make it work but I just wasn't satisfied with the result.  Here are our outtakes of my plan.

Poor O tried his best to get Norah to cooperate and line up her feet, she's super stubborn

 I can only fight so many battles in one day, Keira wearing her purple hair extension was not in the plan but there was no point in causing and issue over it.

 O still trying to line up Norah's feet

We tried to bribe her with a yogurt tube, I didn't have any regular pops in the house

and she's done, call it a wrap folks

My plan was to blow one up and frame it for Kev but I just wasn't happy enough with any of the photos.  Maybe next year when boss lady (Kev's nickname for Norah)  is a bit older and will actually listen to someone.

We love you Daddy!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

mosaic tiles

My aunt sent the kids these mosaic tiles for their birthday, they were so excited to finally be able to make their own.  Our neighbor has one by their driveway and every single time we walk by their house they have to stop and look at it, they've asked a million times when they could make one.  Honestly I wasn't even sure where you buy them since I really don't shop, ever.  Popi was here when they got them so I knew it would be the perfect craft for him to help out with.  I think the first few times we added a bit too much water so by the time O made his we had perfected our concrete mix.  Here are the finished products.

 Keira's - notice the flower on the right and the yellow up in the sky

Finley's - she used all of her jewels as "fingernails"


I'm going to try to keep up this tradition and have them make one each year.  I love personalized artwork and it'll be fun to see how their crafting skill improve each year.  I've gotta make sure to remember to take them when we move... Oh ya and find out where she got them...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Freddy's frozen custard

We have to pick up our milk on wednesdays and we drive by Freddy's on the way home, we get raw milk from a "pick up" house in San Antonio.  Since its summer break and the kids are home all day we decided we'd stop there on the way back for some custard.  Keira always requests french fries so we got those first and then came the dirt and worms sundaes, their all time favorite due the large amount of gummy worms on top that I would never let them eat.  After getting them all situated in the booth I have to get up about a million times for all the other stuff they need, ketchup/napkins/new spoons and whatever else may fall onto the floor.  Let's just say its by no means a relaxing lunch out experience for Mama.

notice the poor guy behind us that thought he was gonna have a nice quite lunch break, oh no not with the welch clan in the house 

 Norah is like a vulture with anything sweet, I blame Kev for feeding her sweet tooth all-the-time

everyone went home happy with a severe sugar high, hey it's summer right??

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pool rescue

We spend a lot of time at the pool, like just about everyday seeing as it's so hot here.  Norah even gets her own bathing suit out after her nap and starts saying "pool, pool".  We are spoiled with the amazing pool we have in our neighborhood, the kids have no idea what a normal pool is like.  While in the lazy river they noticed a lizard floating around on its back, we assumed it was dead.  I got the skimmer to remove it and low and behold he was alive, albeit a little slow but alive.  I let them hold it for a few minutes and then we put him back in the wild where he belonged.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Nickel Ranch visit 2012

We visited Nickel Ranch goat farm again this year, here is last years visit.  I only had the girls with me this year since it was a tuesday and O was at school.  It is such a fun thing to do with the kids, they love seeing all the baby goats and especially love being able to bottle feed them.  Finley was a bit hesitant when the goats started eating her clothes but warmed up to them eventually.  Norah was in heaven chasing around baby goats just about her size, she loves animals.

baby goats everywhere

apparently "kids" of all species like to get into trouble

 that looks fun let me try

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