Thursday, April 26, 2012


All three big kids have started a gymnastics class, we go once a week for an hour and they LOVE it.  They ask every single day if today is gymnastics day, it makes for a long week between classes.  The girls are the youngest ones there, I lied a little and said they were four so they could be in a class at the same time as O.  They do really well, Keira does better than most of the girls in the class and Finley is making a lot of progress.  O is in an all boys class and his coach is strict, they start of with 20 push ups and sit ups plus running and all sorts of stretching.  If they don't listen during class they have to do additional push ups and he doesn't mess around.  I wasn't really sure if O was going to like it but I think he is the most excited about going each week.  I got the deal off groupon and had no idea how serious the other parents were, gymnastics moms are hard core.  The first class we showed up totally unprepared, no leotard, what kind of mom are you??  Luckily my mom had given the girls dress up tu-tu outfits a long time ago and I found them hidden away in my closet, sure enough we had our leotard.  Ok so they're like a size 2T and the girls are almost four years old but they're petite - ha!

week one, not exactly correct attire but having a great time (excuse the glare, parents have to sit behind glass in a room to watch)

week two, the girls stretching before class with their teacher

Finley attempting the balance beam all by herself, a big step

a little reinforcement and help from her teacher

O with coach Jason, better listen up boys!

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