Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter 2012

Ok, I'm really far behind with this blog.  Life has gotten in the way and I got some horrible stomach flu two days before Easter.  I was in bed for almost two days straight and Kev and the kids had to fend for themselves, I felt so horrible.  Could it have been a worse time for me to get sick?  Here are a few photos that I managed to take, not many and not great but I was severely under the weather.

The egg hunt

Who bought the 6 dozen cascarones??

Later in the afternoon we filled up water balloons so the kids could cool off, it's already summer here.

Here Finney, lets get the boys!

Look who's walking full time now, she's in on all the action with the big kids.

The family Easter shot, yes Miles is part of our family

1 comment:

  1. Erin, thank-God you have recuperated, that bug was here too, its awful.MON, was 90 degrees, feltlike Texas. Kids look happy with their eggs, miss you all and Miles. Love Grammy and Grandpa


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