Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is it almost time?

The kids go to school until noon each day, I pick them up we eat lunch and I usually let them watch a movie.  They are pretty much on the go from morning until night so I like them to have a little "down" time before we head outside to play for the afternoon.  Without fail O starts asking around 1:15 if he can go see if Miles can play.  I have started to implement a not until 3:00 rule but it's getting hard to tell him no for the 1000 time that day, he literally asks every 15 minutes if its time yet.  On the rare occasion that Miles is not home in the afternoon it makes it a bit easier since he can see that the car is not there, he has to wait until he gets back to go play.  Here is what it looks like on one of those days

They must have waited in O's room for over an hour looking out the window, waiting for the fourth musketeer to get home.  

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