Monday, February 27, 2012

Lets Rodeo

Here is how we started our sunday morning while drinking coffee
Me:  you want to take the kids to the rodeo today, it's the last day and it's only $1 to get in?
Kev: not really
Me: why not it will be fun?
Kev:  it's too crowded and they didn't even like it last year
Me:  yes they did, it won't be crowded, c'mon you're so boring
Kev:  whatever you want Ern
Me: ok we'll head out as soon as Norah gets up

Fast forward to being in the car on the way there
O for the 20th time in the 20mins it took to get there: how long is it gonna take to get there????
Fin: my throat hurts (read I'm gonna throw up any second)
Me:  don't worry we'll be there in two minutes, Fin you'll be fine just look out the window.
Approximately 3 seconds later she throws up all over herself and her carseat, we are literally pulling into the parking lot.  Who's idea was this anyway?

I scramble to find something for her to change into, wipe down the carseat so the truck won't stink when we get out and change her in the parking lot.  She gets to wear a hand-me-down dress that another mom from school had given me on friday, good thing I don't clean out the truck too often.  Keira is now pissed that she doesn't get to change into a new pretty dress, she stays mad pretty much the entire rodeo and wants to know when it's her turn to wear the dress?  Lets just enjoy the rodeo and not worry about the dress ok Keira?

Kev is basically in charge of Norah since she won't let him out of her sight, ever.  Handling Norah is like holding a cat, she is all over the place and wants to be involved in everything and hell no she's not staying in her stroller.  O is the only one really cooperating, enjoying the sights and keeping quiet.  Keira is still mad about the dress and Fin is complaining her leg hurts, we've been walking all of 5mins at this point.  Who's idea was this again?

All in all we did have a good time, Kev did a great job keeping his cool although I know he was ready to kill me for even suggesting this.  We ended up staying for almost 3hrs, the kids got to do a bunch of fun activities and O even got to buy a real cowboy hat.  I am used to the chaos since I have to deal with it all day every day, it doesn't bother me anymore, Kev not so much.  He often asks when we're gonna go to Disney World, this totally proves my point that we will not be going for at least another 10ys - sorry Kev.  Bring on the 2013 rodeo, the Welch's are ready!

building at the home depot workshop

enjoying their cowboy stew

Fin milking the cow

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