Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fanciest houses on the block

Owen and Miles have been working on building a birdhouse for a while now, they built it from scratch with the help of Miss Kelly.  They have since painted and decorated it and they've gotta be the fanciest birdhouses around.  Here are a few photos of the works in progress, I'll post the finished product as soon as we get it hung on the tree (its super heavy so we're still working on the logistics). Wait until you see all the bling they've added to the outside!

Keira working on her project


  1. Hi, the kids all look so serious, doing their birdhouse project, I'm sure it will be a work of art, can hardley wait to see the finished project. See you all soon. Love Grammy

  2. They take their artwork very seriously, esp Keira. See you next week!


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