Thursday, January 19, 2012

Twelve months

Our baby girl turns one year old today!  It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital getting ready to meet her for the first time, I blinked and a whole year went by.  She has grown so much and seeing her little personality emerge is so exciting.  She is spoiled by the other three and I know she loves every minute of it, she follows them around the house and wants to be included in whatever they're doing.  Not yet walking but getting close, who needs to walk when you have so many little people around to get you whatever you need?  She still nurses a few times a day and I'm fine with that, it's our little quiet time which is hard to find in this house.  She has daddy wrapped around her little finger and loves every minute she gets to be with him (hopefully someday she'll tell me her secret).  She is the biggest surprise we never knew we needed and has claimed her place in this family, we love you sweet pea!

digging right in

feeding daddy

and we're done, get me out

1 comment:

  1. Norah enjoyed her cake, love the face. Grammy and Papa. Love to you all.


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