Thursday, January 12, 2012

e-z bake oven

Finley got an e-z bake oven for christmas, they love to help me bake so it was the perfect gift.  I had one growing up but the new ones are nothing like it (a lot safer I'm guessing).  So far we've made chocolate chip cookies and red velvet cupcakes.  Just for a reference the cookies used a packet of mix with one teaspoon of water and you were suppose to make 12 cookies with that (12 really small cookies).  The cupcakes used a tablespoon of water plus the mix and made 12 cupcakes, here they are.

yes those are 6 "cupcakes" e-z bake oven style

one bite for Norah and they're down the hatch

These cupcakes are a lot of work and take quite a while to cook - 9mins cooking and 5mins in the cool down chamber.  That is like an eternity for my kids, they ask a million times when they're gonna be ready.  They do enjoy making them but I think we may stick to the real deal for a while, plus we're out of the e-z bake mixes.

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