Sunday, January 8, 2012

eleven months

Sweet Peas eleven month passed while our computer was malfunctioning so here it is.  I'm eleven months and just as feisty as ever.  I love Daddy the most and have him wrapped around my finger, when he comes home from work I get so excited I kick my legs like crazy.  I am standing up and cruising around on all the furniture which means many spilled drinks and messes (the big kids don't always put their stuff away).  I want to talk in the worst way and can't wait to be able play with everyone outside, mommy doesn't like me crawling around on the street but it's too fun to resist.  I was at the doctor for an ear infection and they weighed me, a whopping 17lbs, I'm gonna be petite like the rest of the crew.

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful! Hopefully we can meet her and the girls in person before they graduate college, but I love watching them grow through pictures too.


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