Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm five

We celebrated O's fifth birthday on thursday, his first official birthday party with friends (from the neighborhood and school).  It was a busy day but I think the kids had a lot of fun and that's all that matters.  Happy Birthday big guy, we love you!

we rented a bouncy house, it got pretty crowed in there.  We only had a few injuries which is to be expected with so many boys being crazy.

to cool off we did bobbing for halloween duckies, pretty funny.

moved on to a water balloon fight, it took three times as long to fill the balloons as it did to break them all.

I decided to do make your own sundae bar instead of cake/cupcakes since I had already sent those into school in the morning.  Can you say ice cream soup?

lining up for the pinata

O gets the first swing, it was a Rio pinata and it was huge (much bigger than I had expected).  We had it custom made in Mexico and that sucker was strong, each kid got at least 10 hits and finally Kev had to step up and break it open.

let the chaos begin, Fin is apparently not interested in the loot.

O and his bud Mateo from school

yes I was at the party, holding my sidekick and manning the camera as usual.  

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