Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween bunco

I play bunco once a month with a group of girls from the neighborhood and it was my turn to host this month.  In keeping with the halloween theme I decided to have everyone wear a wig to spice it up a bit.  My mom was lucky enough to be here and I'm trying to convince her to start a group back home, while a little reluctant to get in on the craziness at first I think she had a great time and really liked her wig in the end.  I served everyone chili and cornbread, pumpkin cupcakes and this super yummy drink (I go for the big guns, no wine spritzers at my parties).  Since I play once a month the girls were super excited for mommy's bunco friends to come over and to see what actually happens when I leave them with daddy and get semi dressed up for the night.  Kev was a great sport and kept the kids busy until they had to go to bed, Popi on the other hand who was suppose to be "helping" with the kids fell asleep on the floor and went to bed by 730pm (Kev officially declared him fired the next day).

I was too busy to get many pictures but we had a great night and I hope my mom starts a group, it's a fun night out with friends (especially when there's bourbon involved).

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