Friday, November 19, 2010

Turkey Time

The girls and I went to O's school Thanksgiving feast today, they loved going to brothers school.  The kids did a performance and then we Owen got to eat a Thanksgiving meal.  He of course shared with his sisters and they of course acted like they hadn't been fed in months asking for more.  It blows my mind that this time next year the girls will be doing this same thing in this same class while O will move up, I hope his teacher is ready for them!

Here is the video if you want to check it out, O is in the top right, my camera doesn't have the best zoom.  He took this very seriously and would practice at home which shows since he is one of the few that is actually singing and doing the motions he was suppose to.
We now have to head to Kev's work for another Thanksgiving potluck, by the time the actual holiday comes around we'll have had our fair share of Turkey.

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