Monday, November 15, 2010

Hard work

O and Drew what a team

O and his friend Drew had a lot of work to do on friday at the house being built next to ours.  They got all their gear on and headed out to the job site.  They found all kinds of tubes/pipes/wires and various other scraps on the lot and put them together to build their own plumbing system.  I think O is going to take after his Popi and go into the construction business.

O's work team

too much to do too little time!

the finished project, perfect...


  1. Mark and I would actually like to see a picture of you -- Erin, once in a blue moon! Loving the kiddos, can't believe Owen is so grown up and you've got a 4th comin'! But please show us you occasionally.

  2. Haha, I don't think I have a single photo of this whole pregnancy... I am usually taking pictures while Kev is at work and he's not so good with my camera. We did just get our family photos done and I asked her to take some belly shots for me, once I get them back I'll post a few. I do exist I swear!


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