Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Random info

I really don't have any pictures to post since I've been slacking with my camera lately but I do have a few funny stories.

Santa - we went to Bass Pro shops last saturday to look for some boots for Kev, he went to the shoe department and I took the kids to the Christmas area, low and behold Santa was there.  I have never expected/forced my kids to sit on Santa's lap it's just not my style and kinda silly if you ask me.  So they noticed him and went about their business looking/playing with all the toys set up.  The girls were really interested in what all the kids were doing in line so I took them over to show them and they immediately wanted to go sit with Santa.  We got in line and I thought they were going to change their minds but oh no once they noticed kids were getting candy canes they wanted to go even more.  I couldn't believe all 3 of them actually followed through with it, they each had their own turn and O even told him a few of the things on his list.  It's the first time I've ever gotten a picture with Santa for any of my kids and now they keep asking to go back and see him again, I think it's the candy canes.

Just the girls - Kev and O are back in MA for a mini-vacation, Kev is getting inducted into his high school hall of fame for hockey tonight so he brought O back with him.  The girls keep asking where is brother, I think they really miss him, we've never been without him for more than a few hours while at school.  We have been doing our regular stuff and spending a lot of time at the playground and of course getting ready for turkey day.
I brought them to my MD appointment today, it was the first time since I usually leave them with their babysitter.  They did really well and sat in silence until it was time to hear the heartbeat and he called them over to listen.  When I was all done and off the table they announced it was their turn to hear the baby in their belly, yes both of them have babies in their bellies.  He obliged of course and let them lay on the table while he ran the doppler over each of their bellies, no babies yet (and for a long long time for that matter).  They then each got a pop and were instantly in love with going to the MD with me, a pop is all it takes in our house.

Yes it's still hot here in and we're still in short sleeve shirts.  K with her baby the love of her life.

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