Wednesday, February 24, 2010

TX here we come

We got our new assignment last night and we will be moving to San Antonio, TX.  We are very excited to get to explore a new area and since we are kinda familiar with it already it will be a little easier for us.  Well as easy as possible with 3 little kids.  Now we must begin the housing search which is both my most and least favorite part of moving.  The options in the area seem very good and who knows we may even buy this time.

I have been really slacking on taking photos of the kids, we have been pretty busy and I always forget my camera.  As soon as the weather gets better I will do a much better job, I promise.

On a funny note we were outside playing with the kids across the street the other day, they are pretty religious and homeschooled.  O announces he's going in the garage to get something and come running out with a huge cardboard box of chalk and yells "I've got the beer for everyone"  I think their mom almost died and I wanted to die laughing, just because it was so unexpected.  I have no idea where he got the idea or why he was thinking of beer but the box did look like a 6 pack of beer.  They played together again yesterday so they were not too scared off, thank God.

1 comment:

  1. Noooo! YOu can't leave!! How sad! When's the date? san Antonio's housing market, compared to this place, is AMAZING! You guys will be living in a mansion :) :) By the way, O's comment about the beer... CLASSIC. I about died laughing!


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