Friday, February 5, 2010

Play dough

This is a 3yo boy's version of play dough, mind you I just bough it yesterday and though it would be a great activity for us to do while the girls napped.  We started with 4 perfectly nice cans of red, white, tan and brown, that lasted a whole 2 minutes.

It was much more fun to combine it all and cut it into a million pieces. Then roll it back up again and figure what else to do with it.

And when the rolling pin wasn't quite working he figured out an amazing idea for flattening it.

Doesn't it just make perfect sense to lay on it with all your weight to flatten it, get it stuck to your shirt and then have to peel it off piece by piece.  For all of you that have little girls that do nice crafty projects this is what it is like to try to do something with a little boy.  Did he have fun, sure, but now we have 1 giant ball of play dough with a lot of shirt lint in it.  I think we'll stick to outdoor activities from now on.

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