Sunday, November 15, 2009

Learning something new

I think it's unsaid rule of the military or something, whenever your husband is away things always go wrong. Kev has been in Vegas for 5wks now and I have been a very busy bee. Some of the thing i've had to do
take care of 3 kids very sick with the H1N1 virus
mow/rake yard twice
jump Volvo too many times to count
deal with flooding from the Nor'easter that hit us and loosing power
not to mention being a single mother of 3 kids under 3

I am very proud of myself for all I have done, this is the 1st time i've ever even started a mower to say the least. We are dying to have daddy back this weekend, I will be officially off-duty for a while.

This is one of my new favorite finds from Trader Joe's, it's like fall in a cup and especially good hot.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. If it's going to go wrong, it will go wrong during a deployment. Period. The End. You have done an amazing job :)

    Oh... and that Spiced Cider looks awesome. I can almost smell it!! Oh wait. that's my candle...over there in the corner... yeah. Nevermind.


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