Monday, November 9, 2009


So I have not been too good at keeping up with this blog, well some stuff got in the way. All 3 kids came down with the swine flu, not pretty. Of course Kev is gone so it was just me with 3 really sick kids, not fun. Anyway we made it through it largely unharmed and I will try to start updating.

Nonnie and Poppy came to visit us the day before Halloween, yay! That means a break for me and lots of fun for the kids. It was over 80 degrees on Halloween day, not so good for the kids in costumes.

O only made it to 1 house to Trick or Treat, he rang the doorbell, said trick or treat, was offered as much candy as he wanted and didn't want a single piece. He was red and sweaty after a few minutes and didn't really want to even wear his costume, we are not off to a good start. So we ended up just walking around the streets, not getting any candy and going home early. We live in an amazing Trick or Treating neighborhood so it was such a bummer, he's gonna wish we lived here when he's really into Halloween. I was secretly happy because then I didn't have to get rid of tons of candy, none of my kids need any extra sugar. Maybe next year he will have more confidence with his sisters, Keira will be a Trick or Treating maniac I can already tell.

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