Thursday, November 12, 2009


Keira is our little spitfire, she is full of energy, always on the move and has to be doing what her brother is doing. She has been like this since she was in the womb, her heartbeat was always much faster than her sister's and every single ultrasound she was bullying Finley in some way. She was the first to crawl and walk and makes it known when she is around. She is not aggressive but just fast to get what she wants. She is a peanut weighing in at only 18lbs at 18mths but that doesn't stop her. She always has to be doing something she shouldn't be, something more dangerous than anyone else, she has no fear and usually never gets hurt. She has one true love in her life, her baby, which she would carry around everywhere if I let her (usually in her mouth). She sneaks upstairs whenever I'm not looking and runs into her room to find her baby and bring her down. I usually keep baby up in her room unless she really puts up a stink and I let her come down. Thank God we have 2 of them because she gets really dirty being dragged around everywhere. Our little peanut is going to give us a run for our money when she gets older!

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