Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Our day in the City

This trip home we tried to spend less time driving around like crazy people and more time doing fun things with the kids.  We left Norah at home with my sister and took the 3 big kids into the city for the day.  We hit up the Childrens museum, the Barking Crab for some lunch and then took a ride on the T (Owen insisted on it).  The Boston Childrens museum is such a great place, it was a bit crowded but the kids had a great time exploring all the stuff.  After taking a break for lunch O noticed a sign for the T, he had no interest in going back to the museum after that.  After we had to have help figuring out how to buy our tickets (boy how times have changed) we jumped on and got to ride both the silver line and the red line.  I think everyone had a great time and they've since asked when we're going into the city again...

checking out the tea party boat

real construction equipment, O was in heaven

exploring peep's water exhibit

using muscle power to pull herself up

waiting for our lunch, seafood doesn't get any fresher

riding the T, they would have stayed on it all day if we'd let them

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