Wednesday, August 15, 2012


O had been fishing with my dad a bunch while he was home, I'd get pictures and videos every few days of how much he'd caught.  He was so proud of his fishing ability he wanted to show us how much he could catch when we got there.  Trucking all four kids to a fishing pond in the middle of a golf course was next up on our agenda...

the shiners were just as big a draw as the actual fishing

first cast

 caught one

" see mom I'm a bassmaster "

Fin's turn to give it a shot, here is her catch in action

she caught one too

Norah would help with the bait, she ended up killing most of them

Keira's catch, yes we fish in pretty tulle lined dresses

Fin was the only one brave enough to hold and release it

Norah even got in on the action, see?

Daddy and Popi's prized catch.  They were actually going after a snapping turtle but couldn't reel it in far enough before it would break the line.  Fishing for fish ultimately turned into fishing for turtles.

When I was leaving with Keira (who ended up falling into the muddy gross water) and Norah a guy at the driving range says "wow it sounds like you guys were having a great time, oh and I guess she went for a swim".  We were so loud and rowdy I'm sure everyone at the golf course could hear us, the kids had a blast and it's a good thing we don't live close by.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't get any better, great fishing. Love Gramy


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