Friday, June 22, 2012

We Love you Daddy

I had high hopes for our Father's Day present this year, but lets be realistic here.  Kev was in Vegas for his birthday so we had to celebrate both things on the same day, bummer.  Anyway I tried my best to make it work but I just wasn't satisfied with the result.  Here are our outtakes of my plan.

Poor O tried his best to get Norah to cooperate and line up her feet, she's super stubborn

 I can only fight so many battles in one day, Keira wearing her purple hair extension was not in the plan but there was no point in causing and issue over it.

 O still trying to line up Norah's feet

We tried to bribe her with a yogurt tube, I didn't have any regular pops in the house

and she's done, call it a wrap folks

My plan was to blow one up and frame it for Kev but I just wasn't happy enough with any of the photos.  Maybe next year when boss lady (Kev's nickname for Norah)  is a bit older and will actually listen to someone.

We love you Daddy!!

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