Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last day of school 2012

Another year of school has passed, I feel like the girls were just starting a few weeks ago.  We have been so lucky to have them in such an amazing school and they've had the best teachers too.  Owen's class did a circus theme for their end of the year party and the girls had a make your own ice cream sundae party.  Thankfully Kev was off that day so we could split up and each attend a party.  They've all grown up so much in the past year, thank you St Thomas!

Our little monkey

 some of Fin's classmates, how awesome is their playground?

O's best friend from school, Mateo.  They've been in the same class for 2 years and have always been good buds

Even Norah got in on the snow cone action

The girls LOVE Owen, he gets notes in his bag daily and I always get reports from his teacher, must get it from his dad...

O and his teacher Miss Perez

Look at this sundae mom, I'm totally having a sugar high right now

 The girls with their teacher Mrs Sheppard, such an amazing teacher!

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