Friday, April 15, 2011

St Thomas version of Fiesta

We went to O-dogs school last night for their Fiesta celebration, the kids had a blast (minus Sweet Pea).  They had all kinds of carnival-type games run by the teachers/older kids and at each game you would get to pick a prize (more junk for our house).  We didn't last too long, Sweet Pea started to melt down due to some loud tejano music and general overstimulation.  They used up all their tickets, won a lot of stuff junk and then we headed to get some Chick-fil-a for dinner, a perfect night in their eyes.

looking for a pencil in a haystack

picking their prizes, such a hard decision

face painting time

tossing pennies into cups

which pop to pick?

"bolt" his favorite movie

so serious at the ring toss

1 comment:

  1. They are getting so big! I miss you guys! Looks like a perfect day!!!!


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