Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I thought it would be a good idea to attempt some yoga the other day with all 3 kids.  I got everyone out a mat and turned on one of my videos, they had a great time but took over my mat and I didn't get much done.  O-dog and Binney are actually pretty good at following along and can do most of the easier poses.

peanut doesn't have much of an attention span

O right on with the video

still at it


  1. I am totally impressed that they even tried the yoga. Usually the kids confiscate my yoga mat and turn it into a road for their trucks...

  2. AS I am doing yoga or pilates, that is...thank goodness for our Y membership!

  3. I would LOVE to go do yoga all by myself somewhere but I don't think many childcare places would be too happy with me showing up with 4 kids to watch....


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