Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Squadron Fall Festival

We went here on Sunday night with Kev's squadron for the kids fall festival, they had a blast.  It was closed to the public so we had the place all to ourselves.  This squadron has by far the most kids of any so far, it's fun at all the family events and they plan a lot of stuff to do as a family (our last squadron was the opposite).  We had a potluck cookout, took a hayride, got faces painted, played in hay bales and corn tubs and just had a fall themed good time.  Kev made fun of me for dressing everyone in orange but c'mon it's Halloween!

daddy covering Fin in corn

 Fin getting her face painted, so serious

K's turn

K in the hay bales

rubber duck races

Kev is such a good sport since we have an odd number of kids he usually has to go with one of them

 so handsome!

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