Sunday, October 10, 2010


We had O's party on saturday night, not so much a party but we gave him his presents and his surprise cake.  I would never in a million years buy a cake but I had no idea how to make and airplane cake and that is what he really wanted.  While it turned out nice enough I think homemade is so much better and I better practice for next year cause I'm not buying  one again.  We had some of our friends over that we were stationed with in Del Rio, they are in San Antonio for training before heading back to Del Rio again and of course Grammy and Papa were here too.  O was thrilled with all of his gifts, he got a new pair of work boots (rain boots), a dump truck, some books and books on tape for the truck, and a pretty cool race track for cars, a car transporter, an aircraft carrier and a monster truck.  While this year he was fine with our little family party I think next year he may be old enough for a real kids party, better get my thinking cap on.

here is the cake

the audience

Papa helping with the ribbon

the crew ready to dig in

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