Thursday, May 13, 2010

USO Sesame Street Show

I took the kids to a free show on base sponsored by the USO (an amazing support group for military families).  It was Sesame Street and I figured at least all 3 would know something or someone in the show. It did not go as well as planned but I think everyone had fun for the most part.  We had to park relatively far away (for 2 2yo's to walk) and they were not cooperating, I dragged the two girls most of the way there.  Once inside everyone was happy, well mostly because of the 'weapon' like toys they handed to the kids at the door.  The show only lasted a brief 30mins about the time it took us just to walk into the building but I think the attention span was waning at that point anyway.

K had to wear her USO headwrap they gave out

Notice the 'toys' they were given at teh door, not the best choice for little kids IMO.

All in all they had a fun time, next time I will reconsider and bring Kev along with us for an extra set of hands.

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