Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spouse Taxi

I got to taxi in Kev's jet on friday morning, just to see a small portion of what our husbands do on a daily basis.  We had to show up by 7:15am which is very early for me to be out of the house (with O in tow).  He was dad's big helper for the day and got to see me do something other than our day to day stuff, I hope he was impressed!

getting my helmet fitted in life support

waiting to go with my bud

ready to go after Kev strapped me into the jet

here we go

pretty cool huh?

O waiting to go back into the building

Thank God we didn't take off because that would have been way beyond my comfort zone.  What Kev does on a daily basis is pretty amazing, sometimes we just take it for granted.  There are days when I'm outside playing with the kids and 4 jets will fly overhead and we know it's Kev, I'm always kinda amazed that it's actually him up there.

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