Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

So today was the big day or not so big if your kids are 3 and under. O came downstairs looked at all the presents and was not a happy camper, a bit overwhelmed I think. He's a HUGE creature of habit 1 little thing out of the norm can really throw him off. Anyway after we went back upstairs into my bed and watch a few cartoons he was ready to go back down and tackle his stuff.
The girls are so easy going they just go with it and don't notice anything different. They wanted to try on all their new clothes after they opened them, such girls!
We are all so blessed to have so many people that love the kids and spoil them with Christmas presents, for now mom and dad don't have to buy much. They got so many great gifts and played with their new stuff all afternoon, thank you all.

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