Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Monday was our 7yr anniversary, hard to believe. It feels like forever maybe because I've been with Kev for over half of my life now. We didn't do much of anything to celebrate because our babysitter is out of town and well it's just hard to do anything special with 3 kids.

Kev's brother Jeffrey sent us this and the kids were so excited. You'll notice the hand in the 1st picture, O couldn't even wait for me to snap a quick photo. It looked pretty for all of 2 minutes until it was taken apart and eaten and the sticks of course were used a swords to poke each other with. It's hard to believe how excited my kids get over fruit, they didn't even really like the chocolate covered pieces.

Here's to many more years....


  1. I'm glad they enjoyed it! How long has it been for you guys, 17 years or so? I still remember Kev yelling at us to clean up before you came over...true story.

  2. Funny and living with him now I'd never believe he'd ask anyone to ever clean up. I don't even count the yrs anymore. I still remember you hiding all the food and stuff you liked in the trunk in your room.


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