Monday, December 10, 2012

Color Me Rad run

I registered for this race a while ago with the intention of Kev running it with me, I had a different running partner than planned.  O did a great job and probably ran about 80% of the race with a few breaks here and there (it was a 5k).  All the color you see it some type of colored corn starch mixutre aka "color bombs", the kids loved the stuff.  We ran with a few of my friends and their sons and the boys had a blast, what boy doesn't want to get dirty?  No lie the stuff was hard to get out, all four kids were covered and we had to really scrub in the shower but it was well worth it.

before we even started to run

the aftermath, notice my blue teeth

1 comment:

  1. Good for you all on the run, great color. Love you Grammy and Grandpa


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