Monday, March 14, 2011

Where does he get it?

O-dog is so funny sometimes, here are a few of our recent conversations:

"Pretend I'm a daddy and I deliver mail.  Ok.  I only go home 3 days a year cause I work so much.  Oh really don't you kids miss you?  No cause they stay home with their mommy.  She's a lot prettier than you cause she wears gold shirts with jewels all over them.  Oh really, you don't think I'm pretty?  Ya I do but she wears really nice clothes so she's prettier.  She's also really nice cause she stays home with her kids and plays with them all day, she hasn't worked in years.  Oh that's good. "

"Momma when you get old are you going to die?  Yes, everyone dies at some point.  Noni hasn't died yet. Well she's not that old.  Oh good cause I don't want her to die."

"O-dog it's time to cut your hair, it's getting crazy looking.  No I want to look like my friend Mateo in my class and his hair goes over his ears.  Well yours is getting too puffy.  What do you mean mom do I look like a mushroom head?  Yes exactly.  Well I'll cut it when I'm older, right now I want to look like Mateo, he's my best friend at school."

"When I get older I'm going to be a daddy.  I hope so.  But I'm going to live with you so you'll have 2 Daddy's (husbands).  You don't want to live with me you want to have your own wife.  No I want to be a Daddy with you.  Ok we'll see but I'm sure you'll change your mind.  No I'm going to live with you forever and be in the Air Force with Daddy but I'm not going to fly the Eagle jet I'm going to fly the Skeleton 180.  Really what kind of plane is that?  It's like Daddy's but it's much cooler.  Oh that'll be great."

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE HIM!!! AND I MISS YOU AND ALL OF THEM!!! plan is to wear a gold shirt covered in shiny jewels next time I see him so that he'll think I'm awesome (and to get you one, too...for, you know...all those fancy date nights you and Kev have together!!!)!!!


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