Monday, March 14, 2011


I have two princesses in my house...

they do yardwork

and dance

and hug

Grammy and Papa were here for a visit and Grammy has a great imagination which is right up the kids alley.  I was a little more lenient with the princess dresses while she was here, I usually do not allow them out of the house.  Keira would wear hers everyday if I let here, Fin is not as interested but decided to play along on this afternoon.  They had a great time with their grandparents and now it's back to reality, Keira is not going to be happy with me. She is sitting next to me as I write this and asking for her princess dress, oh boy.  I am not against princesses in any way but I'm not really into dressing up, especially out in public.  Not to mention I myself have not worn a dress in years or maybe since my wedding.  The funny part is that Keira looks at my wedding picture in my room and admires the "princess" in it, I tell her that it's mommy and I don't think she believes me.  I guess every family has to have a princess and clearly she is ours.

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