Sunday, September 19, 2010


O had his 1st soccer game on saturday, Kev is his coach.  It was super crowded and a bit unorganized but once the games started it got a little better, well as good at the 1st game can be with 4yo's.  There was a lot of running the wrong way, picking up the ball, and general swarming the ball.  O stayed out of most of it and chose to play goalie, he had a helper who was not into playing at all.  I was pretty surprised how into it the parents got, I mean it's their 1st game and they are only 4yo.  As long as O was somewhere on the field and standing up I think it was a huge success, Kev may feel differently.  Hopefully next week will be more organized, maybe heading towards the right goal or keeping the ball on the field, we'll see.

snack time before the game

pep talk from coach

getting some action

the cheerleaders

the crew after the game

Yes the girls were all dressed up for the game, they had their Vera Bradley purses (from our babysitter in VA), bracelets and babies.  We do not travel light these days.

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