Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chore Chart

O wanted to make himself a chore chart today during his 'quiet time'.  Kev had been talking to him about doing chores last night and I guess he took it pretty seriously.  I'm not really that into charts but Kev has been totally into lists since I met him a long time ago, Kev and O are alike in so many ways it's scary.  So he made himself his own chore chart and told me what he wanted to write in each box: cleaning room, cleaning toy room, picking up dirty clothes, brushing teeth, feeding Mason, eating all his dinner, doing good at school, cleaning garage.  He had so many chores to write down that he had to make a second chart and they were all his idea.  He wrote his name at the top of both charts, pretty good for an almost 4yo, he's been writing it for a few months now.  So every time he does a chore I'll write a star in the box and after 5 stars he'll get a 'reward' that Kev and I will decide on tonight at dinner since I wasn't really prepared for this whole thing.  We put the charts up in the kitchen and he immediately starting looking for some chores to do, so far he got 3 stars.

He is really working hard

Here is his 1st one

K had to make one too of course

F was still napping during all this, we'll have to work on her chart another day.  I wonder what K decided to write on her chart??

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