Friday, September 24, 2010

SA Childrens Museum

Kev took the day off on thursday, I had an ultrasound in the afternoon so he stayed home with the kids.  We went to the childrens museum in the morning and then to Rainforest Cafe for lunch.  The museum is actually on the Riverwalk a place that I would never dream to take all 3 kids but it wasn't too crowded and luckily nobody actually fell into the river.  For those of you that have never been it is a river running through downtown, a tourist trap and has no barrier between where you walk and the river itself.
Anyway I think this is the 1st time Kev and I have ever gone to the museum together, we have seasons passes but it's usually just one of us with the kids.  Since he was with me I was able to bring my camera and take some photos of everyone.  I think their favorite spot is the HEB kids market complete with carts, groceries and working registers.  We stayed there for at least 45mins and O was mostly in charge of working the register after the girls brought cart after cart of groceries to him.
It is a small museum but has plenty of hands on stuff to keep the kids happy and they change it up quite a bit so we never get bored.

pure joy in the ball area

teamwork to fill up the tube

 O in the cockpit of the plane

a giant light bright board (I think that's what they were called)

K making music by jumping

filling up their shopping cart

O checking the girls out

Maybe someday he'll work in a grocery store, that was actually my 1st ever real job and I turned out OK right.  Living in a bigger city has it's perks especially since this is the biggest city we've even been stationed in.  It's nothing compared to Boston but it's the best we can do for right now and I think Kev actually prefers small towns now anyway so we'll enjoy all the perks here in SA while we can.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


O had his 1st soccer game on saturday, Kev is his coach.  It was super crowded and a bit unorganized but once the games started it got a little better, well as good at the 1st game can be with 4yo's.  There was a lot of running the wrong way, picking up the ball, and general swarming the ball.  O stayed out of most of it and chose to play goalie, he had a helper who was not into playing at all.  I was pretty surprised how into it the parents got, I mean it's their 1st game and they are only 4yo.  As long as O was somewhere on the field and standing up I think it was a huge success, Kev may feel differently.  Hopefully next week will be more organized, maybe heading towards the right goal or keeping the ball on the field, we'll see.

snack time before the game

pep talk from coach

getting some action

the cheerleaders

the crew after the game

Yes the girls were all dressed up for the game, they had their Vera Bradley purses (from our babysitter in VA), bracelets and babies.  We do not travel light these days.

Friday, September 17, 2010


The girls have really been into jewelry lately, they prefer mine but I decided to get them their own for obvious reasons.  I got them 6 bracelets to split and 4 were broken on the first 2 days, I knew better.  Of course when O sees the girls have anything new he also has to get his hands on it.  Don't even ask about when the girls ask to get their toes painted.  We are now hanging on to only 2 bracelets and I'm sure they'll be broken any minute now.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chore Chart

O wanted to make himself a chore chart today during his 'quiet time'.  Kev had been talking to him about doing chores last night and I guess he took it pretty seriously.  I'm not really that into charts but Kev has been totally into lists since I met him a long time ago, Kev and O are alike in so many ways it's scary.  So he made himself his own chore chart and told me what he wanted to write in each box: cleaning room, cleaning toy room, picking up dirty clothes, brushing teeth, feeding Mason, eating all his dinner, doing good at school, cleaning garage.  He had so many chores to write down that he had to make a second chart and they were all his idea.  He wrote his name at the top of both charts, pretty good for an almost 4yo, he's been writing it for a few months now.  So every time he does a chore I'll write a star in the box and after 5 stars he'll get a 'reward' that Kev and I will decide on tonight at dinner since I wasn't really prepared for this whole thing.  We put the charts up in the kitchen and he immediately starting looking for some chores to do, so far he got 3 stars.

He is really working hard

Here is his 1st one

K had to make one too of course

F was still napping during all this, we'll have to work on her chart another day.  I wonder what K decided to write on her chart??

Monday, September 13, 2010

O and Popi

Taking a break in the shade with some freeze pops, it's hot here in TX!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Do's

While I was vacuuming today the girls decided to give each other a new look, thank God scissors were not involved.  They got into my Aveeda hair paste and had it everywhere including huge globs in their hair, good thing it's soy based and all natural.  They get into the weirdest stuff and most of it is my hair/makeup stuff which I barely have any of to begin with.  Last week they got into my bare minerals purple eye shadow, I had my dad put safety locks on all the cabinets while he was here last week.  Look at their amazing work.

Obviously F was eating it

K really wanted to make sure she had enough

You can't see the huge glob over her ear

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

32nd Birthday

My birthday was last friday, Kev and I got away for a few nights so we celebrated on Sunday.  Noni and Popi were here visiting so I got a yummy cake, although Kev makes my favorite cake in the whole world.

F enjoying her cake

K finished her whole bowl

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