Saturday, October 24, 2009

Honey Bees

Owen is sick, of course while Kev is away for 5wks. I am hoping the girls and I can avoid it but that's going to be near impossible. K is a scavenger for anything left laying around, drinks, food anything. Why would she want to eat the nice fresh organic food she gets at meal times when she could find bits and pieces of stuff laying around (for who knows how long). So we'll see how long we can ward these germs off.
I have been giving O honey, ice pops, ginger ale and tylenol, he is in heaven!!! So this morning he asked for some honey because you know mom I'm very sick. This is how the conversation grew:
O: Do you know honey makes us better when we're sick
E: Yes it does
O: Do you know honey bees sting you when they're scared (he was recently stung)
E: You're right they do
O: Did you know it rains when we kill a spider
E: Oh really
O: Did you know spiders eat squitos
E: They do
O: We need to get more spiders in the back yard mom
E: Yes I'll look into that
O: Can I have my honey now?
E: Sure

I have no idea where he got all that info but most of it was correct. Kids are amazing like little sponges soaking up stuff when you least expect it.
O is showing us a snail he found under one of our plants, he is a lover of all bugs
F is eating something she found in the mulch, hopefully not a bug.

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