Friday, October 23, 2009

Boys will be boys

Here we go we are going to try this whole family blog thing, hopefully I can keep up with it. I love reading other friends blogs and think it's a great way to keep everyone in the loop. So here goes nothing.

I was upstairs getting ready yesterday morning (no small feat with 3 under 3) and O calls up to say he has to go poop, OK just call me when your done. No less than 1 minute later he is calling me, there's no way he's that fast. I come downstairs and ask if he's all set? "No mom I need my magazine" So I go get his magazine and bring it in to him like a good mom should. "Thanks mom you know boys don't poop without reading magazines" Well no I didn't know that but I guess he's right cause we have a lot of magazines in our bathroom that I have never read before.

The things that come out of his 3yo mouth are so funny, I try not to laugh because sometimes he gets mad but most times I just can't help it. I laugh at my wee one's at least 10 times a day, if I wasn't laughing I'd surely be crying!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin!
    What a great idea! You did a great job! Thanx for including me!
    Love, Cindy


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