Sunday, May 26, 2013

New look

I've finally got around to getting a new/updated look for the blog, what do you think?

Since most of you have probably never seen our house in San Antonio I figured I'd post our listing while it's still available, our house

We sold it in 2 days, yup 2 whole days, can you believe it?  I LOVE this house so much and am so sad to have to let it go (is it bad that I was secretly hoping it wouldn't sell?).  I'm sure whomever bought it will love it as much as we do, I hope...

I think God secretly knew I couldn't keep up the pace of showing the house by myself with four kids so he gave me a break (thank you).

1 comment:

  1. Erin, love the new blog,can't wait to see everyone.So glad house sold quickly, you all have great memories from there. Love you Grammy


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