Friday, February 8, 2013

we're back {from the dark side}

We've had a tough few weeks here on the home front, sickness has hit in a big way.  Both O and Fin had strep and not even a few days into their antibiotic treatment we got hit with a stomach bug, a really bad stomach bug.  O started throwing up on a saturday night and wasn't better until tuesday afternoon when I finally breathed a sigh of relief.  Oh, that was short lived, because as soon as the girls got home from school Keira said her belly hurt and immediately started throwing up. I knew we were doomed at that point, Fin and Norah then got it on wednesday.  I had 3 sick kids at once, only one that could manage to throw up into some sort of container, lets just say things got messy.  It finally hit me on friday afternoon and it was the worst feeling knowing I could barely take care of my own kids and my hubby was not around to help.  All three big kids were a huge help while I was sick, it's like they knew how bad it was.  I was finally better by monday and things started to get back to normal, I was mortified at how dirty my house was but we all survived so that the important part.  While the throwing up part only last about 24hrs the lethargy/complete lack of energy/nausea lasted about another 2 days.  In total we didn't leave the house for 10 days and I thought I had lost my mind.  Here are a few photos I snapped with my phone during the week.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God, your all on the mend. Getting a big blizzard here today, everything is closed down already. Working the weekend, probably sleep over. Can't wait to see you all in the spring. Love Grammy and Grandpa


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