Friday, November 16, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year for Halloween we had an army guy, witch, snow princess and stubborn toddler.  This neighborhood is the BEST place to trick or treat.  People go all out, sit outside with all their decorations and goodies and give out tons of candy.  There are so many kids running around everywhere it was actually hard to keep track of the four of ours.  I think O counted his candy and he had over 200 pieces and that was after I had confiscated all the sugary junk (non-chocolate).  The kids get to keep some and we donate the rest to a local dentist that in turn sends it to deployed troops (I'm sure they need the sugar a whole lot more than my kiddos).  I think they would have kept going all night long if we had not persuaded them to come back to the house and start giving some of our candy out, they had a great time.

O scores some for Norah, what a nice brother

O and Miles, best buds

Norah wants in on the candy, didn't take her long to catch on

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