Monday, April 2, 2012


My kids love bubbles, what kid doesn't?  For me that means blowing lots of them so they can chase after and try to catch them.  I know they have some kind of "bubble machine" but that just seems so not fun to me.  I pinned this idea from pinterest so we have a full time bubble dispenser on the counter, we go through a lot of the mix.  I am not that thrilled with that particular bubble recipe so when our container runs out I'm gonna be on the hunt for a new one.  If you're not into pinterest yet you've gotta check it out, I get so many ideas from it but watch out you may just get addicted!


  1. Gosh... these pics are amazing! Any tips on photo editing software that is fairly easy to use? I'm a picnik addict and it's closing soon :(

  2. I've never used picnik. I keep meaning to ask how you get writing on your photos, maybe picnik is the answer. I use lightroom and LOVE it. You can download a free trial to see what you think for 30 days I believe. Also google "pretty presets" she has tons of info on it and tons of free tutorials. Let me know if you need any help, good luck!


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