Friday, March 16, 2012

Some of our favorite things

I have a few go-to things that I really like for the kids, things that hold their attention and we have managed to use over and over again.  These craft kids have made that list.  We got a few as christmas gifts and since then I've gotten a few more at Home Goods and Tuesday Morning, both a lot cheaper than the normal retail price.  Since I am not inherently crafty these kits are perfect, they contain everything you need to do the craft.

The button art one is a favorite of Finley, it is simple enough for her to do without help and she can do it over and over again.

When I find them I like to stock up, we always have parties to attend and these have become my gift of choice.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea with the crafts for gifts, and the kids are proud they made them for gifts. You have some great ideas. Love you all. Grammy


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