Friday, February 17, 2012


We went to a cute place with a few friends last friday after school, it's called minitown and you'll see in the photos why.

Fin in the beauty shoppe

look who found the princess dress, go figure

let me back in the phone booth

Norah's gonna try her hand at the vanity

shopping is always a big hit with little kids

It was divided into all sorts of little rooms, a disco, bank, movie theater, doctors office, hair salon, supermarket, bank and nursery were some of them.  The kids had a great time since their attention span is all of 2 minutes in each place.  Norah is still crawling so it's slightly disgusting at public places but we've gotten over that and she has a good time as well.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erin, love Minitown. Had all the kids over yesterday, dancing, nailpainting, and beauty pageant. Can't wait for the girls and Owen to come this summer if possible,we can help with the flight. Love you all.


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