Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Our Christmas morning

You can imagine the anticipation leading up to Christmas morning in our house, the three big kids having been counting the days for what seems like forever.  I think O started waking up around 2am, came running into our room and told us Santa had already been here with a play by play of what he could see in the living room.  We had to convince him several times that it was still night time and he had to go back to bed, I think Kev finally ended up sleeping with him to ensure he'd stay in bed.

Before all the chaos really begins, yes we separate the kids gifts and strategically place them far enough away from each other to control any misguided opening of each others gifts.

Keira got a new bike and scooter, pink of course with tassels hanging, right up her alley

I have no idea who got what from who since all three of them were just ripping into stuff left and right

The only gift the girls consistently asked Santa for was sparkly dancing shoes, they were a big hit!  

With all the commotion Norah finally woke up and got right into the gift opening

The living room is slowly filling up with toys - everywhere

We had a very low key day, letting the kids play with their stuff and not rushing around to have to be somewhere at a specific time.  I think they opened and played with every single gift, we were exhausted by the time it was time for bed!

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