Thursday, December 8, 2011

One of many

We had 3 different Christmas parties last weekend, the kids have seen Santa 5-6 times already and we're barely into the first week of december.  This one was at the amenity center in our neighborhood, we live in the best neighborhood ever.  They had the most amazing face painters and balloon makers, free food and all kinds of Christmas festivities, all free (did I mention I want to live here forever).

O got an angry bird

The girls were in heaven, all the makeup and glitter, they didn't move the entire time they were getting done up.

after seeing the girls glitter O requested some holly with glitter, we're an equal opportunity family here.

The also each got a balloon animal, O got a penguin, Keira got a butterfly and Finley got a bracelet and purple sword.

I should have gotten them all dressed up nice and gotten their pictures taken before the whole face-painting session but I wasn't thinking.  How awesome is this Santa??  They absolutely love Santa this year, especially Finley.  If we're still here next year I will be much better prepared...


  1. This is awesome, the kids look so cute! I miss you guys!!!


  2. WOW! That IS such an awesome Santa!!! The kids are growing so fast! Too cute!


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