Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mud anyone?

We got a lot of rain on saturday night, O and his best bud Miles found some mud to play in and play they did.  I'm all about kids being kids and don't worry about the mess left behind, not sure about how Kelly felt but it was too late by the time she came out to check on them they were already filthy (my fault).  After the initial shock of head to toe mud she was ok with it or at least didn't kill me for it.

the end result, they even dunked their heads in the mud

time to wash off

look at the guns on these two, be afraid be very afraid

lets ride bikes  now Miles, who needs clothes anyway?  Yes we are those people in the neighborhood, the crazy people.

1 comment:

  1. E- I almost just peed my pants! This could be on my top five list of best blog entries ever. The pics of O are absolutely priceless.


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