Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school 2011

Ok so I haven't blogged in over 20 days, we've been a bit busy here, ending the summer with a trip home and getting everyone ready for the new school year.  I'm gonna start with today and work backwards, it's probably gonna take a while to get all caught up.

The three big kids started school today and it went a lot smoother than I expected.  I knew O would be fine and Keira isn't bothered by anything really but I thought Fin might be a bit hesitant with me leaving her there, everyone ran out of the car and didn't even look back!  The two girls have Mrs Sheppard (O's teacher from last year) and O has Miss Perez, they all said they had a great day at school.  I asked everyone their favorite part: Keira - wearing the princess dresses and necklaces, Fin - playing on the playground with brother and Keira, O - seeing his friend Mateo again after summer break.  Here's to many more happy school days!

Love K and O holding hands

brother will help you at school today girls

the girls waiting at pickup with the rest of their class

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