Tuesday, August 30, 2011

There's nothing sweeter

Than a baby's toes

and a whole new design for our blog, what do you think??

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Papa's plane

Finney and Kev went to see Papa's new plane while we were home, she was the only one that wanted to go check it out.  Hopefully someday she'll be able to go for a ride in it..

Friday, August 26, 2011

Norah's baptism

We had a really quick baptism for Norah while we were home, like 15mins from start to finish.  It was important to Kev and I to be able to have her Godparents there for it so we had to settle for a thursday morning (Father Tom was so nice to help us out last minute).  All four of our kids have been baptized at the church I grew up in which is not easy for us since we move so much, but we made it happen.  She did such a great job and didn't even make a peep the whole time.

her Godparents Sean and Lauren

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Three days into school and O has gotten his first black eye, not school related.  He was playing with his buddy Miles last night and got hit in the eye with a golf ball.  He said it makes him look tough, a total boy!  Driving to school I asked what he was going to say when they asked what happened - "that you hit me mom".  I'm just waiting for CPS to show up at my door.  On a side note he wanted to show everybody he now knows how to blow a bubble, sort of..

Seven months

I am now seven months!  I had my first plane ride and was so excited I didn't want to sleep a wink, I was not too happy towards the end.  I will eat anything I can feed myself but want nothing to do with babyfood, some of my favorites are mango and avocado.  I want to be where the action is at all times and once I start moving the big kids better watch out!  I am on the verge of sitting up on my own but get distracted easily and forget to keep my balance, soon though..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


O had a blast riding the dirtbike at Grammy and Papa's house, it took him a few days to get up the confidence to try but once he did he was hooked.  He'd love to have one here in Texas but our neighborhood really isn't conducive to that type of thing, maybe our next house will be.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Peaceful Meadows

One of our first stops on our trip back home was here, since we stayed in Bridgewater it was right up the street and who doesn't love homemade ice cream?  There were only two cows in the barn when we went but the kids were fine with that, they really only paid attention to the baby anyway.  I think we got there at 11am right when it opened, we must have had ice cream for lunch that day...

so yummy

Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school 2011

Ok so I haven't blogged in over 20 days, we've been a bit busy here, ending the summer with a trip home and getting everyone ready for the new school year.  I'm gonna start with today and work backwards, it's probably gonna take a while to get all caught up.

The three big kids started school today and it went a lot smoother than I expected.  I knew O would be fine and Keira isn't bothered by anything really but I thought Fin might be a bit hesitant with me leaving her there, everyone ran out of the car and didn't even look back!  The two girls have Mrs Sheppard (O's teacher from last year) and O has Miss Perez, they all said they had a great day at school.  I asked everyone their favorite part: Keira - wearing the princess dresses and necklaces, Fin - playing on the playground with brother and Keira, O - seeing his friend Mateo again after summer break.  Here's to many more happy school days!

Love K and O holding hands

brother will help you at school today girls

the girls waiting at pickup with the rest of their class

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Can you braid my hair like Mariah?

We I am getting ready for our trip home, trying to pack all the stuff we'll need for the two weeks is getting harder with each child we add to this family.  Our next door neighbor is gong to watch Mason for us while we're gone, her name is Mariah.  Her whole head is done in long braids and the girls are totally smitten with her pretty hair.  She's been coming over at night to get used to Mason since she's never had a pet before so every time she comes the girls are all over her and her braids.  They keep asking me to do their hair like hers and they just don't understand why it can't be done.  Peanut decided she would do it herself since I couldn't do it, here is her attempt.

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